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Slim Fast, 2102[^]0106316 Slimfast Milkshake Bottle Vanilla - Triple Pack

Slimfast Milkshake Bottle Vanilla 325ml - Triple Pack gives you a multipack of shakes that have a de
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Slim Fast, 2102[^]0106316 Slimfast Milkshake Bottle Vanilla - Triple Pack
Slimfast Milkshake Bottle Vanilla 325ml - Triple Pack gives you a multipack of shakes that have a delicious sweet, creamy vanilla flavour. One bottle can be used to replace one meal as part of Slimfasts 3 -2-1 weight loss plan. This multipack contains: 3 Slimfast Milkshake Bottle Vanilla (325ml each) Meets your nutritional needs Each shake contains ? of your daily nutrients and provides you with ? of your recommended intake for most essential vitamins and minerals. For best results, replace

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